Monthly Archives: May 2012

Psychology of Advertising Presentation in Riverside on June 21st

I will be making a lunch-time presentation on the subject of the psychology of advertising for the Inland Empire chapter of the American Marketing Association on Thursday, June 21st, at the Victoria Club in Riverside, California.

Here’s a link for for the AMA-IE:

Look for event registration to be available around the end of this week.

Self-selection is the new paradigm for media content

There’s a great article in the May 14th issue of the NY Times, “A TV Schedule in the Hands of Whoever Holds the Remote,” by David Carr, the paper’s media columnist, in which he talks about how his household has a Web-enabled TV and subscribes to Netflix, Hulu Plus and Apple TV. Halfway into the month of May, his household “watched exactly two minutes and one second of live television,” the Kentucky Derby.

Elsewhere I read that General Motors is going to pass on the next Super Bowl as an ad sponsor, since it’s not too sure that $4 million per spot represents a worthwhile investment.

The advertising industry is still enslaved by the “upfront” model of ad buying, paying ever more money for ever smaller audiences.

The model is broken. What will be the next model? Is there a next model?

Here’s the link to the NY Times article:

Why do advertisers value the 18-to-49 demographic so much?

It makes NO sense. Baby Boomers control over $1 trillion in discretionary income (Kelly Kahl, Sr. Exec VP for Programming and Operations at CBS). And Boomers are LESS stuck in their brand loyalty ways than X’ers  and Millennials (TV Land, 2008). Yet every day when I get my email update on the overnight prime-time ratings, they are always broken into two columns: total audience and 18-to-49. CBS recently canceled CSI Miami on Sunday nights and replaced it with NYC 22. I tried to watch the first two episodes. I just could not get past the 10-minute mark. I shut off the TV and did some reading instead. I no longer bother to try watching.

CBS’s marketers are probably delirious with joy, since I am WAY past that 49-year-old upper end of desirability. I wonder if the brands buying time on “22” are equally happy.

“Despite the fact that it managed to draw a relatively large audience — averaging about 8.5 million viewers — it was one of the lowest-rated shows among the 18-49 age group,” says contact And it was expensive to produce. But it was #1 in its time slot and drew a large total audience! From what I’ve seen so far, NYC 22 is getting lower numbers–and not even delivering the 18-to-49 demo.

What’s going on?

Media impact the mind…the mind impacts the media

This is a blog site about how the media influence human behavior and how humans create media. This blog site is intended to be informational, controversial, exploratory, and fun. I subscribe to loads of email newsletters and other blog sites, and part of what I will do here is aggregate the best of what I find–at least the most interesting things from my POV. Your views may be different, and I invite you to share them.